Can Almond Milk Constipate You? Almond Milk Truth

In the ever-evolving landscape of dietary preferences and health trends, almond milk has emerged as a popular alternative to traditional dairy milk, celebrated for its numerous health benefits and versatility. Yet, as more people incorporate this nut-based beverage into their diets, questions arise about its impact on digestive health, specifically: Can almond milk constipate you? This question is not only relevant but crucial for those navigating dietary choices to support their health and well-being.

This article delves deep into the heart of this query, leveraging the latest research and expert dietitian insights to shed light on almond milk and its effects on your digestive system. Whether you’re a long-time consumer of almond milk, considering making the switch, or simply curious about its health implications, our comprehensive exploration offers valuable perspectives.

We’ll unpack the nutritional profile of almond milk, compare it with other non-dairy alternatives, and examine the scientific evidence behind its association with constipation. Additionally, we provide practical tips for integrating almond milk into your diet and mitigating any potential negative effects on your digestive health. From the role of dietary fiber to the importance of hydration and exercise, we cover all angles to give you a well-rounded understanding of how almond milk fits into a healthy lifestyle.

Our goal is to not only answer the pressing question of whether almond milk can lead to constipation but also to empower you with knowledge and strategies for maintaining optimal digestive health. So, pour yourself a glass of almond milk (or maybe not, depending on what we find), and let’s embark on this journey to uncover the truth behind one of the most popular plant-based milks on the market. Your path to informed dietary choices begins here.

What Exactly is Almond Milk?

Almond milk is a plant-based milk made from ground almonds and water. Sometimes sugar, flavors, and thickeners are added too. The almonds are blended with water, the mixture is strained, and voila – you have almond milk! It can be used as a substitute for cow’s milk in drinks, cereals, smoothies, and recipes.

There are different varieties of almond milk on the market. You can find it sweetened or unsweetened, flavored or plain, and even barista blends formulated for steaming and foaming. When it comes to digestive concerns, experts recommend sticking to unsweetened varieties without unnecessary additives.

Producing almond milk does have an environmental impact. It takes substantial amounts of water to grow almonds. However, almond milk still uses less water than dairy milk overall. The industry is taking steps to improve sustainability.

What Exactly is Almond Milk?
What Exactly is Almond Milk?

Nutritional Profile: How Does Almond Milk Stack Up?

Here is a side-by-side nutritional comparison of one cup of almond milk versus whole cow’s milk:

Nutrient Almond Milk Cow’s Milk
Calories 39 146
Fat 2.5g 7.9g
Protein 1g 8g
Carbs 1.5g 12g
Calcium 451mg 276mg
Vitamin D 101IU 124IU

As you can see, almond milk is significantly lower in calories, fat, and protein than whole cow’s milk. It also contains more calcium. However, it is lacking in other nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, and vitamin A present in cow’s milk. This is why almond milk is often fortified to boost its nutritional value.

Other plant-based milk like soy, oat, and rice milk have similar nutritional profiles to almond milk. Each option has its pros and cons nutritionally speaking.

Almond Milk and Digestive Health

The internet is full of conflicting information on how almond milk impacts digestive health. Some sources claim it relieves constipation, while others blame it for causing tummy troubles. So what does the evidence show?

Overall, almond milk is easy for most people to digest due to its low-fat content and lack of lactose. This makes it a safer choice for those with lactose intolerance or other conditions aggravated by cow’s milk.

However, the high fiber content in almonds means almond milk could cause issues for some people prone to constipation. Dehydration is also a concern if almond milk replaces fluids. Moderating intake and maintaining hydration are key.

For individuals with chronic digestive conditions like IBS, discussions with doctors and dieticians can provide personalized guidance on integrating almond milk into the diet.

Can Almond Milk Constipate You?

Almond milk does not usually cause constipation. While some additives in processed almond milk may be irritating to the gut and potentially lead to constipation, almond milk itself is not typically a direct cause of constipation. It’s worth noting that the low fiber content in almond milk may not help prevent constipation, but the fluid intake from almond milk can contribute to hydration, which is beneficial. However, almond milk is not a cure-all for digestive issues, including chronic constipation. Despite being a favorite beverage for many, almond milk is not specifically known to cause constipation in women or in general. Excessive consumption of almond milk can lead to issues like calcium-based kidney stones, bloating, and constipation due to its high calcium content.

The Science of Almond Milk and Constipation

Most of the evidence that almond milk relieves constipation is anecdotal. But a few small studies provide some scientific insights:

  • A 2015 study of 40 constipated elderly patients found that almond milk with prunes increased bowel movement frequency and improved consistency.
  • Another small 2014 study showed almond milk with dates helped produce bowel movements in constipated pregnant women.
  • Both studies attributed benefits to the fiber content of almonds and the natural laxative effects of fruits.

However, a 2016 study comparing the effects of different plant-based milks found that almond milk reduced colonic transit time more than soy or oat milk. A faster transit time means less fluid absorption, which could exacerbate constipation in some individuals.

Overall, the research is limited. More high-quality studies are needed to confirm the effects. But the evidence shows almond milk may relieve constipation for some people, while potentially worsening it for others. Individual factors play a key role.

Potential Health Benefits of Almond Milk

  • Relieving Constipation: As discussed, almond milk may help get things moving for some people due to its fiber content. Prunes and dates can amplify the effects.
  • Anti-Inflammatory: Almonds contain polyphenols that may reduce inflammation in the body and promote gut health.
  • Heart Health: The unsaturated fats in almonds can help lower LDL cholesterol to reduce heart disease risk.
  • Skin Health: Vitamin E in almonds may protect skin from sun damage and improve moisture retention.

However, relying too heavily on almond milk could increase the risks of nutritional deficiencies over time for some people. Variety and moderation is key, along with guidance from dietitians.

Tips for Safely Adding Almond Milk to Your Diet

Here are some tips for integrating almond milk into your diet:

  • Stick to unsweetened varieties and read labels to avoid unnecessary additives.
  • Have it in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Don’t overdo almond milk.
  • Maintain adequate hydration by drinking sufficient water each day.
  • Add fruits like prunes and dates to almond milk to maximize digestive benefits.
  • Try making your own homemade almond milk recipe for full control over ingredients.
  • Introduce almond milk slowly and pay attention to your body’s signals.

Special Considerations

For Children

  • Experts recommend avoiding plant-based milk for children under age 2, except under medical supervision. Toddlers need the protein, fat, and vitamin D provided by cow’s milk or formula. After age 2, almond milk can be used safely alongside other foods to meet nutritional needs. Always discuss this with your pediatrician.


  • Almonds are tree nuts. So almond milk should be avoided by any individuals with tree nut or peanut allergies due to the risks of cross-contamination. Other plant milk options include soy, oat, coconut, and rice milk.


  • Almond milk is significantly more expensive than cow’s milk. Be mindful of affordability and access to plant-based milk alternatives in lower-income communities. Cultural factors related to diet should also be considered.

Relieving Constipation Beyond Almond Milk

While almond milk may help some people, doctors recommend a comprehensive approach:

  • Hydration – Drink plenty of fluids like water. Prune juice and other juices also help hydrate.
  • Fiber – Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Take fiber supplements if needed.
  • Exercise – Physical movement stimulates the bowels.
  • Probiotics – Improve gut health by consuming probiotic foods or supplements.

Magnesium supplements may also be beneficial, as magnesium helps relax the intestinal muscles. Almonds contain magnesium, which may contribute to almond milk’s positive effects.

Relieving Constipation Beyond Almond Milk
Relieving Constipation Beyond Almond Milk

Conclusion: A Balanced Perspective

To wrap up, almond milk is rising in popularity as a delicious dairy-free beverage. It provides an array of potential health benefits related to digestion, heart health, inflammation, and skin health when consumed in moderation as part of a nutritious diet. However, some individuals may experience adverse effects like constipation or nutritional deficiencies if intake isn’t properly balanced and hydration maintained. By carefully monitoring your body’s signals and seeking personalized guidance from healthcare professionals, almond milk can be safely integrated into your diet and lifestyle for improved well-being.

FAQ: Almond Milk

Can almond milk cause bowel issues?

If you go overboard on almonds, it could mess with your digestion. Stuff like feeling queasy, having an upset stomach, or even bathroom troubles can happen if you OD on essential nutrients and minerals. Plus, it might get in the way of certain meds and trigger major stomach problems in some folks.

How does almond milk taste like?

Well, it’s got this awesome nutty flavor and creamy texture, just like regular cow’s milk. But here’s the cool thing: almond milk comes in all sorts of varieties, from unsweetened to vanilla and even chocolate. So, the flavor can really depend on the brand. Give it a try and see what you think.

Does almond milk affect bowel movements?

Don’t worry, there’s no evidence to suggest it does. In fact, almond milk is mostly water, which can actually help you out if you’re feeling backed up. Water helps get things moving in your bowels and makes it easier for food and waste to pass through your system. So go ahead and enjoy that almond milk, no need to stress about your bathroom habits.

6 thoughts on “Can Almond Milk Constipate You? Almond Milk Truth”

  1. Eating too much almonds make me constipated, but almonds milk give me instant diarrhea, why ?

  2. That’s definitely more calcium than you probably want to be getting. Some brands are only fortified with 30% DV so that would enable you to drink more without as much risk of side effects. I like Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Unsweetened Vanilla the best. The Silk stuff is junk IMO.

  3. Probably carrageenan or it’s spoiled. Almond milk doesn’t last that long when opened, and your average dumbshit making coffee at Dunks will not know or care about this and use the same crusty carton that’s been in there a month

  4. Everything gives me issues. Except for strict carnivore diet. I converted in 2020 and haven’t looked back since. Absolutely nothing is worth the pain in my opinion.

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